Social media
Extension projects
"Tem peixe na praça"
Project for the science dissemination of knowledge produced within the university in communities in the region of Natal, RN. Through the implementation of a series of actions that take educational material and are easy to understand to schools, museums, squares, libraries, parks, etc., which the public usually does not know the university activities. Such proximity is increasingly necessary, as many of these people do not know the work carried out inside the university and have no other way to have access to the knowledge we produce here.
This approach brings numerous benefits both to students who leave university and have to adjust language and behavior to communicate effectively with the population, as well as to the public, who has the opportunity to learn about important results of scientific research, correct inappropriate habits, and have access to people who have the training and can help build knowledge. In this way, the proposed project is aligned with two goals of sustainable development: Health & Wellness and Quality Education.
Basic Zebtrack Course
Zebtrack is a free experimental software, developed in partnership with the UFRN School of Science and Technology, on the MATLAB platform. The idea is to offer a more affordable alternative to those who cannot afford the expensive tracking software available on the scientific market. Over the past 5 years, the program has helped us in processing movements and tracking many locomotor parameters in behavioral protocols, especially in studies with zebrafish, but we are always looking to improve access for other fish species. We have recently been sharing Zebtrack with other labs and we hope this will facilitate and add to more work in the area.
We have already carried out 2 editions of this minicourse, in June and August - 2021. Our doctoral student, Heloysa, helped other researchers who intend to use the platform as well. In both editions, the course had participants from national and international universities.
Event organization
VII Zebrafish Symposium
The VII Zebrafish Symposium as an Animal Research Model will be carried out entirely online - next November 2021. With lectures and oral presentations via the Stream Yard platform and broadcast on YouTube. Participants who register to watch the event will receive, via email, in the days prior to the congress, a link to access the YouTube broadcast.
*Lectures will be broadcast live.
XVIII Conference of the Portuguese Society of Ethology
In October 2021, the XVIII SPE took place, completely online. The event was during three days of lectures, round tables, and oral and poster presentations, with the presence of Portugal, Brazil, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The Portuguese Society of Ethology was founded in 1987 and aims to promote the study of animal behavior in Portugal, considering its various aspects. The society's activities include the publication of the scientific journal Acta ethologica, the organization of a National Congress and other scientific meetings, the promotion of international relations with similar societies, and the dissemination of Ethology at the secondary level.
1st Zebrafish Meeting
In September - 2015, we received some icons from the zebrafish behavior research. The event, called “Zebrafish Meeting”, featured renowned researcher Dr. Robert Gerlai, who offered a short course on Behavioral Genetics.
The event was also attended by Dr. Tran (Canada), from Prof. Luchiari and his undergraduate and graduate students at UFRN, in addition to several professors from other institutions in Brazil: Prof. Erika Kague (USP), Prof. Bruno Rezende (UFMG), Dr. Bruno César Ramos (USP), Prof. Ian Amaral (UFPE) and Erika Kelmer (UFMG). The meeting aimed to establish an international collaboration and discuss the future of zebrafish research.
V Zebrafish Symposium
In 2018, Fish Lab had the honor of hosting the V Zebrafish Symposium at UFRN. Advances in the main themes of biology interconnected with institutional and inter-institutional panels were presented by researchers in different areas in which the zebrafish is used as an animal model: Organogenesis, Genomics/Epigenomics, Toxicology, Evolution, Aquaculture, Cancer, Regeneration, Immunity and Diseases, Neurobiology and Behavior, Ecotoxicology, Pharmacogenetics, Fish Farming, Nutrition, and Emerging Technologies.
X Conferência e XV Simpósio de Psicobiologia
Em 2023 o Fish Lab esteve empenhado na organização da X Conferência e XV Simpósio de Psicobiologia da UFRN, que ocorreu nos dias 09, 10 e 11 de Novembro.
O evento teve uma programação diversificada com palestras, mesas redondas e apresentações de trabalhos científicos. Nessa edição, trabalhamos o tema "Psicobiotecnologia: Interface entre inovação e comportamento" e o evento contou com palestrantes nacionais e internacionais.